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Monday, May 3, 2010

Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I'll show you someone who has overcome adversity. --Lou Holtz

Here is a little something from www.weekdaywisdom.com

The great Lou Holtz was right when said the quote at the top of this week's Monday Motivation. The true path to success leads through much adversity, of all types.

The difference is that the losers give in to their adversity, while the winners work through the adversity, overcome it, and use it to make themselves stronger.

Challenge can be either a motivating and refining force to the winner, or a destroying and limiting force to the loser. But here's the key: we can decide which it will be for us.

The commitment to accept and conquer a challenge is paramount to our growth. We choose to address the challenge, the adversity, the setback, work through the challenge, and then use it as a springboard to make ourselves better. Each occasion of adversity carries a dark side and a bright side. The dark side is desperation, conflict, giving in to the adversity -- while the bright side is growth, learning, stretching, and refusing to accept a challenge as unconquerable.

It's a choice we make -- and a choice that depends purely on our outlook and commitment level.

If adversity greets you, use it as a path to learning. Learn from your challenges, see the pitfalls for what they are. Make your weak places stronger, and then overcome your challenges and put them behind you.

Adversity shouldn't be a permanent thing. Money can be earned, jobs can be found, health can be improved. Adversity is only temporary, unless we give into our troubles and make them permanent.

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